Charity Sweets℠
Charity Sweets vending service operates in affiliation with various charities to aid in supporting the charities cause. All vending machines and products are owned, operated and supplied by Charity Sweets. Charity Sweets pays a license fee, monthly or annually, to the various charities in return for being able to promote this affiliation. This license fee provides ongoing support to these charities. Currently, our primary charitable affiliation is with the National Children's Cancer Society which provides emotional, financial and educational support to children with cancer, their families and survivors.
At this time Charity Sweets vends a single Chocolate Mint Patty product in clean, attractive, gumball type vending machines. The machines are serviced as part of a regularly scheduled route. The mint patty product provides a sweet treat for you and your customers or client's while showing your social responsibility as a business or individual. If you are in the Lee or Collier county areas of Florida and would like one of our vending machines in your business or waiting room please contact us at (844)738-7287 or by email at
© 2018 Charity Sweets